Friday, December 16, 2011

Words of Life.

This morning while I was walking outside this verse hit me:

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."- Hebrews 4:12.

I think I have really been underestimating the power and vitality of Scipture. In my mind, I have acknowledged it as the written revelation of who God is and as the source of ultimate truth.  But in my heart I seem to have only skimmed the surface of the deeper reality and purpose of Scripture.

Hebrews 4 makes it clear that the Word of God is:
1) alive
2) active

We know and see plainly that the Word is alive in the form of Jesus, who is the personified and embodied Word of God. But Scripture is the Word of God as well. Therefore Scripture is also living, and just as living as Jesus is. Meditate on that. 

My mind immediately goes back to these passages in John: 

  • "..the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life"- Jesus (John 6:63). 
  • "You have the words of eternal life.."- Peter to Jesus (John 6:68). 
  • "you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you."- Jesus (John 15:3). 
  • "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples"- Jesus (John 8:31).

Scripture is drawing a direct line from the Words of God to LIFE. (whether through the physical mouth of Jesus or the inspiration of Scripture) 

Think about this for a second, in human terms, what are words? When we speak, what is it we are actually doing?  We are expressing an internal thought. Words are the physical manifestation of a spiritual reality. And what is the ultimate spiritual reality? God.

"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."- John 4:24

The written Word of God is a physical manifestation of God Himself. 

Before we were regenerated, we were spiritually dead. And dead people don't have hunger pains. Well thanks be to God, now we are spiritually awakened and therefore yearn to be fed! When we read Scripture we saturate our hearts and minds with His Spirit, life, presence and power. And we need this strengthening if we are going to walk in the paths He has laid out for us. We need His life continually poured into us. 

"but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."- John 4:14


  1. The Word is so powerful..."Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" Psalm 119:105....what and where would we be without it? Life Giving...Thank you Lord!

  2. Thank you! you help me to learn and study the scripture by sharing verse, thoughts and your journey! God Bless you!
